Alianza Mastercard

¡Nos hemos unido para ayudarle a alcanzar sus metas!

¡Berlitz América Central y Mastercard te dan más beneficios!
Nos hemos aliado para que puedas cumplir tu meta de estudiar inglés. Con Mastercard podrás optar por una beca en nuestro programas: Berlitz® Mix y Berlitz® Means Business. Que te permitirá mejorar tus competencias a nivel personal y profesional.

Berlitz® Mix

Herramienta de aprendizaje autodirigido + clases en vivo de nuestro temario semanal disponible 24/7 para practicar cuando quieras.

¿Por qué debería elegir Berlitz® Mix?

Integra clases en vivo con aprendizaje autodirigido

Participa de cursos programados y una plataforma disponible 24/7

Accede a contenido personalizado y cursos específicos para especialidades profesionales

Berlitz Means Business Train in real-life situations

The new Berlitz means Business specialized courses offer effective language training for all employees who want to master work-related content in English in our express program. Our main focus is for you to successfully express yourself for business purposes.


Goal-oriented language training

Personalized 8-week training: small groups (5 to 8 participants)

Overcome language inhibitions when leading and participating in meetings

Training with the aid of realistic, interactive simulations

Acquire public speaking skills

Convey your message effectively

Communicate proficiently in a business context

In this course you will:

Communicate your strategies effectively

Create a call-to-action

Optimize your presentations

Course type: 100% virtual

¡Una alianza para su beneficio!

Minimum requirement: Berlitz® Level 7 (B1.3 CEFR)

Level 1

Knowledge of language is sufficient to communicate in a very limited way, with the simplest oral and listening tasks and situations.

Level 2

At the functional level, you have a basic command of the language needed in a limited range of simple, routine, and familiar tasks and situations.

Level 3

You can handle most uncomplicated communicative tasks and routine social and work situations. You can follow the general meaning of a conversation about familiar subjects.

Level 4

At the intermediate level, you are able to refashion and combine learned material to meet your immediate communication and learning needs. You can comprehend information on familiar topics in contextualized settings and produce sustained conversation with others on an expanding variety of general topics.

Level 5

You can, to an extent, initiate, sustain and conclude most routine communicative tasks for personal and work needs.

Level 6

At the upper intermediate level, you have assimilated the essentials of the language. You can communicate competently and comfortably in many professional and personal contexts, and can find different ways of formulating what you want to express.

Level 7

You begin to create with the language in more complex and demanding conversations and can deal comfortably with most subjects over the telephone.

Level 8

At the advanced level, you communicate effectively and appropriately even in demanding oral tasks and situations, like conducting a meeting. You can participate easily in social and professional conversations, and can deal comfortably with most subjects over the telephone.

Level 9

You communicate effectively with various audiences on a wide range of familiar and new topics to meet most personal, academic or professional demands—including many which presume experience in public speaking and critical listening.

Level 10

At the professional level, you have full command of the language. You understand and can use virtually all linguistic structures; as well as a range of vocabulary items as broad and deep as that of most educated native speakers. Communication is fluent, appropriate and well organized—you develop ideas in speech clearly and coherently.

«The difference is the experience»

Les quiero compartir que Ivanna ganó el Primer Lugar en la feria de ciencia y mucho de eso debido a ustedes porque gracias a ustedes ella ha aprendido a soltarse y hablar en inglés.

– Ivanna Molina

He logrado un ascenso laboral por mi avance en el Idioma y he logrado comunicar mis estrategias.

– Gina Araya

Taking the Total Immesion® Course was an excellent decision, I have been able to speak confidently in front of English speaking natives and this helps me daily in my new job.

– Rocío Rodríguez